Corporate Governance

The Board is responsible for the overall corporate governance at Latitude including providing leadership, strategic guidance and monitoring the operational and financial position and performance of the Company.

The Board is committed to maximising performance, generating appropriate levels of Shareholder value and financial return and sustaining the growth and success of Latitude. The Board seeks to ensure that Latitude is properly managed to protect and enhance Shareholder interests, and that the Company and its Directors, officers and personnel operate in an environment of appropriate corporate governance consistent with ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations.

The Company annually provides a report of the extent to which it follows each Recommendation in its Corporate Governance Statement and Appendix 4G.

The Board has created a governance framework for managing Latitude, including adopting relevant Board authorities, Committees, risk management processes, internal controls, assurance frameworks and corporate governance policies and practices which it believes are appropriate for Latitude’s business and which are designed to promote the responsible management and conduct of the Company.

Corporate Governance StatementOpens in new window Code of ConductOpens in new window
Audit Committee CharterOpens in new window Board CharterOpens in new window
Remuneration and People Committee CharterOpens in new window Risk Committee CharterOpens in new window
Technology Committee CharterOpens in new window Enterprise Risk Management FrameworkOpens in new window
Board Independence PolicyOpens in new window Concern Raising and Whistleblower PolicyOpens in new window
Conflicts of Interest PolicyOpens in new window Disclosure and Communication PolicyOpens in new window
Diversity and Inclusion PolicyOpens in new window Financial Crime Compliance PolicyOpens in new window
Trading PolicyOpens in new window